

Network engineering is a core competency of Access Systems, Inc. Our broadly certified network engineers posses the skill sets and experience to provide you with the secure and reliable networking environment you need to run your organization successfully.

Leveraging our industry alliances and our years of combined experience, Access Systems delivers complete, integrated wired and wireless networking solutions.

Many of our clients are multi-location, so we work on Wide Area Networks (WAN) daily. We understand T-1, DSL, cable, and MPLS communication circuits and can advise on how to improve the performance of your circuits and potentially save money.

We work with and support a multitude of business software applications on a regular basis including accounting, medical, and legal software packages from an IT support perspective. So we pay attention to how any network changes or updates may impact the operation of your application software. For example, before we implement a network upgrade, we may contact your key software vendors and go over the upgrade plan to identify any potential issues.

Whether you require a new computer network or the upgrade and expansion of your current network, Access Systems can assist you with all aspects of your technology project. This includes needs assessment, performance requirements, conceptual design, implementation and ongoing support.

System software: Microsoft Server, Active Directory, Exchange, SQL Server

Vendor Authorizations:

  • Microsoft Gold Partner
  • Citrix Silver Partner (visit Citrix showcase)